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Friday 7 December 2012

Monbonne at the Harfield Carnival 2012

For the first time this year I decided to hold a stall at the Harfield Street Carnival. Harfield Villiage is a quaint little place that is between Kenilworth and Claremont just over the railway tracks.

Despite the rather crazy weather ( rain, extreme heat, hail (!) and then more wind and cold between hot bouts) and the severe lack of sleep (remember confection is not my day job) I had a great time setting up my stall and meeting all sorts of wonderful people.

Funny how there are always some people who are jealous of others' industry and will put you down, despite the time and effort and financial layout that one puts into something. But on the whole people were extremely complimentary and enthusiastic about what I was presenting to them. And well, I have to say that I am a stickler for doing things the traditional way so that my petit fours are not, as one lady remarked about the quality of petit fours that you get elsewhere today, a blob of sponge cake that has been iced!

No indeed, these are the real thing. Almond paste and all!

The macarons and petit fours were a treat and sold well - I was especially surprised at how excited my 11-16 year old female clientele got about the them until someone told me that macarons had been a favourite of one of the characters on Gossip Girl . So thank you Gossip Girl for expanding my market to the teenage bracket.

Are we breeding a new age of Marie Antoinettes? If we are, I will happily supply them with all the macarons and petit fours that their hearts could desire! 


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